ISBLA works to promote grassroots democracy. We do so by holding our elected officials and governmental agencies accountable. The goal is to advance our vision and policy objectives.

Listed below are groups we support. In other words, they advocate for progressive policies and legislation with which we agree. They usually send out newsletters or email/text notifications of actions to take to support certain policies and legislation. Also, several will generate emails to send to decision-makers. Sign up with one or more!

Indivisible National’s Email

5 Calls

Chop Wood Carry Water

Americans of Conscience

Daily Kos

Union of Concerned Scientists

Center for Biological Diversity

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL)

Audubon Society

Electronic Frontier Foundation

Rewilding Institute

Click here for more organizations that generate letters to elected officials and governmental entities.

Click here for info on how to join us when we advocate for policy in meetings with our elected officials.