
Indivisible South Bay LA (ISBLA) holds general meetings every two to three months. We provide general updates about our activities and always feature a speaker. Check out our Events page for more information and details or sign up here.

The Swing Left arm of ISBLA also holds election-focused meetings. At these meetings, we do activities like letter-writing, postcarding, phonebanking, and more. In addition, we analyze key races throughout the country. These happen on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month. Sign up here: Swing Left South Bay LA


We send out regular email communications with updates on pressing upcoming meetings and events. Sign up for email communications here.

Interested in what we have done in the past? Check out our past newsletters here.


If you’d like to support our ongoing work, please donate here. ISBLA uses your donations to rent rooms, buy supplies, pay for other small expenses, etc.

Reach Out

Feel free to contact us with any questions: